Mode-The online way of paying taxes

For online way, I should have access to netbanking and my bank should have tax payment facility.

I go to the site www.

Click on epay tax

Click on Continue to NSDL

Click on challan ITNS 280 proceed

Fill up (in bullets) – Tax on other than companies, Advance tax  or self assessment tax as the case may be

Fill up- In the Netbanking option, the name of the bank I am paying tax from (out of drop down list)

Fill up- My Permanent Account Number

Fill up-Assessment Year (out of drop down list)

Fill up -Address, email id and phone number

Fill up-Captcha and proceed

(in case of incomplete form, it will redirect you to what you missed filling)

In case correctly filled, it will take you to next page, wherein your name will appear partly in XXX, so you need to and can check if the PAN entered was correct, for it says the system name against the PAN filled.

It will also flash the financial year for which I am paying tax

The form allows me to view details, gives time to check them and gives option to correct / go back or proceed if all details filled are OK.

Once I  proceed, form will take me to my  bank site, where I login and enter my password, and there I fill out if its tax, interest or penalty. I further fill the amount I need to pay.

Once I click on pay, it does the usual net banking payment module of my bank.

Once paid or the moment its paid, the screen allows and asks me to download challan, which I should download and save in my laptop or mobile where I paid my tax online from.